I am Speaking up!!!!!!

I am Speaking up!!!!!!
Me and My Knight

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Euthanasia: A Generation Cries "Non Serviam! Non Servietur Mihi!" - OnePeterFive

Euthanasia: A Generation Cries "Non Serviam! Non Servietur Mihi!" - OnePeterFive:

The tip of the spear in the present battle regarding stealth euthanasia (i.e., hastening death by neglect or intention while pretending to provide appropriate end-of-life care) is death by dehydration. In the vast majority of cases of stealth euthanasia death occurs primarily due to withdrawal of fluids, leading to volume depletion, organ failure, shock, and death. The symptoms of dehydration, a horrible way to die, are almost always masked by narcotic analgesics, sedatives and/or antipsychotics. When stealth euthanasia is not requested but imposed, it is not only unethical and a violation of the Fifth Commandment , but also an obvious violation of the basis on which Jesus said we would be judged: “I was thirsty, and you gave me no drink.”


  1. And in memory of Gene Pearson, sepsis, untreated, burst appendix, ordered to stand, died. He had gone bowling prior to being admitted to the hospital. Please pray for Gene's wife Joy. They were together too many years to calculate on my end. May Bill and Gene rest in peace.

    1. Thank you for your compassion. We WILL make a change!
