I am Speaking up!!!!!!

I am Speaking up!!!!!!
Me and My Knight

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Happy Valentines Day to My Knight in Heaven-I Love You

Today is the first Valentines Day in forty-three years that my Knight and I won't be celebrating together, thanks to the ILLEGAL practices of a Nashua, NH Hospital who denied my husband of needed antibiotics and ILLEGALLY put him on Hospice/Palliative care and OVERDOSED him with Morphine. Is this what  the Medical profession has become? Kill instead of Care?
My Knight was only sixty-six years old. He should NOT be dead! He was my life. He still is my life. He was the best husband in the world. So caring. So giving. He is extremely loved and missed. His Grandchildren are so lost without him, as I am and our kids are. Life just isn't the same. The Love of my life taken from me by a bunch of MORON'S. Their day will come, though it will never bring my Knight back, their day will come! The sooner the better!
No more Valentines Day for me because my Valentine was MURDERED.
To the Murderers responsible for my husbands death, I wish you nothing but pain and suffering for the rest of your MURDEROUS scummy lives. Burn in Hell! You're nothing but Satan's spawn!
I hope Your Valentines Day and EVERY day of your lives suck! I curse every one of you!

I Love You My Knight and Always Will! Until we meet again. Soon I hope!
Extremely Pissed Off Wife of Bill Knightly-Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative/Hospice Care

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