I am Speaking up!!!!!!

I am Speaking up!!!!!!
Me and My Knight

Friday, February 2, 2018

Do you know about sepsis? One Nashua Hospital Doesn't have a clue!

Do you know about sepsis? - The Record Herald:

Most of us have heard about heart attacks and strokes being frequent causes for hospitalizations and deaths, but there is another condition that we should make ourselves aware of…SEPSIS! Sepsis is the body’s overactive response to an infection that can lead to tissue damage, organ failure or even death. For reasons that are not clear to researchers, sometimes when an individual gets an infection, rather than the body’s immune system working to fight the “germs” (bacteria, virus, fungus or parasite) that is causing the person to be sick, the immune system ignores the germs and starts fighting itself — this is where sepsis starts!
The Nashua Hospital that doesn't treat infections and lets patients die of Sepsis and doesn't bother to treat that either! If you value your life, steer clear!

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