I am Speaking up!!!!!!

I am Speaking up!!!!!!
Me and My Knight

Friday, November 26, 2021

Today is the 55 Month Anniversary of the UN-Prosecuted Medical Murder of My Husband Bill Knightly by St. Joseph Hospital in Nashua, NH


Today is the 55 month anniversary of the death of my Husband. It still hasn't gotten any easier without him. I doubt it ever will.                He loved the Holiday's spent with our family and he was always such a big help. He really loved helping prepare the holiday dinner's. The last holiday he spent with us was Easter 2017, when he wasn't doing too good at all. Thanksgiving 2016 and Christmas 2016 he was fine. His illness came on really fast and if he had been treated instead of denied treatment by the shithole hospital, he would be here today. Holiday's just aren't the same without him. He was a kid at heart, always joking and enjoying every minute with our grandchildren. Family meant the world to him. To my Knight, Family was more  important than anything else. Everyone is so lost without him and Holiday's are depressing for all of us.                                                      If you cherish your Loved one's, steer clear of St. Joseph Hospital in Nashua. Life means nothing to them. All they care about is money. The less treatment they give, the more money they save. Medicare Fraud is their new norm. They put people, including my Husband, on Hospice/Palliative care , unbeknownst to us, without consent and then tell Medicare and CMS that he wasn't on it. Illegally, he was, without consent. Kind of odd, but bill's were sent from Hospice/Palliative care. So what does that tell you. All proof was sent to CMS, where they finally denied payment to the Death Monger's but did nothing to hold them accountable, still saying he wasn't on Hospice/Palliative care. The NH Medical Board is just as bad. They stated a DNR was put on My Husband illegally, which is why he was denied treatment. They stated it was due to MISCOMMUNICATION. Still, NO-ONE held accountable.           So this is what you have to look forward to at St. Joseph's. DEATH, whether you want it or not. You have no say.  So if you cherish your Loved one's, steer clear. I only wish I had known ahead of time that St. Joseph's no longer cares about it's patient's. I never would have allowed My beloved Husband to step foot in that dump and he would still be with me today.

  I Love you My Knight and always will! Extremely Pissed Off Wife of Bill Knightly, Murdered by NON-consensual Hospice/Palliative care at St. Joseph Hospital in Nashua, NH