I am Speaking up!!!!!!

I am Speaking up!!!!!!
Me and My Knight

Saturday, October 27, 2018

October 26,2018, the 18 Month Anniversary of my Husbands Medical Murder

My Knight and two of his special Granddaughters. The best Grandfather in the World, Medically Murdered!

Today is the 18 month anniversary of my husbands MURDER. The pain is too deep. To ever subside.
Murdered by UNWANTED, UNKNOWINGLY FORCED Palliative Care by St. Joseph's Hospital in Nashua, NH where my husband died of UNTREATED SEPSIS which he contracted there. He was treated for absolutely NOTHING, yet blood tests were done almost daily which show he had an infection and other illnesses that SHOULD have been treated. Medicare FRAUD?????And they never told us anything. I didn't even know he had SEPSIS. The Undertaker told me. I was shocked just as I was when I went through his Medical file. I couldn't and still can't believe what I found. He adamantly stated he wanted treatment and did NOT want to die. So why are these people getting away with ILLEGALLY putting him on Palliative Care and killing him? 
Medicare states he was NOT enrolled in Hospice/Palliative Care, so the claims for payment weren't put in as Hospice/Palliative Care. Because he was put on it ILLEGALLY and they paid the bills. Just a way for Hospitals to get around NON-Consensual, ILLEGAL Hospice/Palliative care! And it worked! Some of the money Medicare is going after, but not ALL of the money which was all paid ILLEGALLY. Why have Law's that don't have to be followed? Sepsis, UTI's and Pressure ulcers are ALL Hospital acquired infections and Medicare is NOT supposed to pay the Hospital. So why did they? Someone is very clearly NOT reading the Medical files before paying the bill's!
Whoever said life get's easier as time goes on is full of it. When a husband and wife are inseparable for over 42 years, life never gets easier. It get's worse. I am no longer a whole person. He IS the Love of My Life and always will be. He always loved me unconditionally. I always came first. He gave me the love I never got growing up. From the time we started dating, we were inseparable. Always together. We knew right away we were meant to be together forever. We did everything together. EVERYTHING! I am so lost without him. I can't stop crying. I just can't fathom how the Hospital we always trusted with our lives could do such a thing. I'm praying this is all a nightmare and my husband will wake up beside me each morning.
I know he was ILLEGALLY put on Palliative Care without our consent. We weren't even told. When it was offered, we refused. It's all in his Medical file, but the Medical board claims they did nothing wrong. We were never told who theses Doctor's and APRN's were. It was all a big secret. What I don't understand is how they can get away with it. It was proven he did NOT have Lung Cancer and I'm fighting to have it taken off his Fraudulent Death Certificate. 

 Criminal charges need to be brought against these death mongers! Euthanasia is "supposed" to be ILLEGAL in NH, but you can't prove it by me. My husband was MURDERED and I won't stop until he gets the Justice he deserves!
Hit Hospitals where it hurt's! Take back their illbegotten money and start auditing them. Make them pay fines. Do something to put an end to Stealth Euthanasia!

Extremely Pissed Off Wife of Bill Knightly, Murdered by Non-consensual, ILLEGAL Hospice/Palliative Care
I Love you my Knight and I Always Will!

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