I am Speaking up!!!!!!

I am Speaking up!!!!!!
Me and My Knight

Friday, April 12, 2019

Open Message to the State of New Hampshire Regarding the ILLEGAL STEALTH EUTHANASIA of My Husband Bill Knightly

Since my husband's MEDICAL MURDER, I've  found  there is no justice in the State of New Hampshire for the people who are Medically Murdered. This State would rather side with UNETHICAL MEDICAL UN-

PROFFESSIONALS who would rather kill off patient's than save lives. It's called STEALTH EUTHANASIA and the State of NH is just as guilty as the DEATH MONGERS who practice this ILLEGAL ACT against our Loved one's. The State wants to repeal the Death penalty but it's okay to MEDICALLY MURDER our Loved ONE'S and no-one blinks an eye. I am so totally disgusted with this States way of thinking! Murder is Murder!
And then we have Medicare, who is guilty of paying FRAUDULENT Medical bills. Paying for full services for a patient ILLEGALLY put on Hospice/Palliative care. Because there were NO Consent forms signed, Medicare/CMS claim the patient wasn't enrolled. No the patient wasn't enrolled, not legally, but the proof sent to CMS proves the patient was most definitely put on Hospice/Palliative care. The patient's refusal meant absolutely NOTHING and Medicare paid the fraudulent bill's. Payment's were made to a Hospice/Palliative care Doctor, yet the patient wasn't on Hospice/Palliative care? Patient's were made to a Hospice/Palliative care Nurse Practitioner, yet the patient wasn't on Hospice/Palliative care? How stupid can you be? Hospice/Palliative care is paid at a much lower rate. St. Joseph's Hospital really pulled the wool over your eyes billing for FULL Treatment for a patient ILLEGALLY forced onto Hospice/Palliative care. And I'm sure my Husband wasn't the only patient where the Hospital committed MEDICARE FRAUD!
Medical record's show NO TREATMENT for anything, even though the patient requested treatment, but all he got was DEATH! With tear's in his eyes, the patient stated he didn't want to die. He wanted TREATMENT! He was Medically Murdered instead! 
To top it all off, the Nurse Practitioner tried to coerce us into a DNR. We REFUSED, only telling her he didn't want to be on a respirator the rest of his life. We TOLD them to do EVERYTHING possible to save his life. They did NOTHING! The NH Medical Board claims it was a case of MISCOMMUNICATION. So that gives them the right to MURDER my Husband? More Bull Shit! The Nurse Practitioner, that wasn't even his Doctor, that we never agreed to her being on his case, stopped the antibiotic's for the SEPSIS he contracted at the shithole, which we were never told he had, didn't treat him for the UTI he got, which we were never told he had, took him out of ICU, kept withholding hydration, REFUSED him a feeding tube, REFUSED him a blood transfusion, REFUSED him a cat scan to see if he had a STROKE, because she didn't have the decency to tell us he had a heart attack the day the Hospice/Palliative care Nurse Practitioner came to my house and harassed him with her death rant's, sent ILLEGALLY to our home and DENIED him the transfer to a REAL Cancer Hospital that I had all set up. We were told by an RN Care Transitions Coordinator at Teamhealth that SHE was facilitating his transfer. Another Liar! All she facilitated was his death. She sat there and kept telling my family and I to tell my Husband he could die. To tell him it was okay to go, so I told her to go, that she wasn't needed, so leave!
This is what the State of New Hampshire is letting these Medical Murderers get away with. While other States are prosecuting Murdering Medical UN-professionals, the State of NH is last to do anything, as usual! 

Extremely Pissed Off Wife of Bill Knightly, Medically Murdered by NON-consensual Hospice/Palliative Care at St. Joseph's Hospital of Death in Nashua, NH!

1 comment:

  1. Can you please contact me via messenger on facebook? I am so terribly sorry for what happened to your precious husband I want to share a story with you. God Bless, Mary Peloquin
