I am Speaking up!!!!!!

I am Speaking up!!!!!!
Me and My Knight

Thursday, March 22, 2018

The NH Deputy Atty. General Seems to Think Euthanasia (Wanted or NOT)Is NOT a Crime in NH!!!

I just received a response in the mail from NH Deputy Atty. General Ann Rice pertaining to the Complaint I filed with the Atty. General Gordon MacDonald. I had hoped the Atty. General would respond as Ann Rice has never taken an interest into any of the illegalities I've filed complaints about. When my husband died and I was fighting for an autopsy, she wrote back to me and told me they were turning autopsies away, because of all the drug overdoses they had too many. The Medical Examiner was pissed when I told him what she said. He said it wasn't true and she shouldn't have said it.
According to Ann Rice, the ILLEGAL Euthanasia of my husband does NOT constitute a crime. So MURDER is NOT a crime?? So when might I ask did Euthanasia and Assisted suicide become Legal in NH? They AREN'T!!! Starving a person, taking away hydration and taking away oxygen is ALL torture. Especially so when the patient and family doesn't consent to any of it. Even if they did in NH, it's ILLEGAL!!! Overdosing someone with Morphine is also ILLEGAL. So why is this State NOT prosecuting these criminals? Is it because they are Medical Un-professionals? Who the Fuck are they to be getting away with Murder??Why do they get a free fucking pass?/ And why is the only person I ever here back from Ann Rice??? I want to here from the Atty. General himself. I'm sick and tired of Ann Rices bullshit stories. I know she sticks up for State agency's, but Hospitals and Medical Un-professionals are NOT State agency's. So who is going to fight for the people??? ME!!

Extremely Pissed off Wife of Bill Knightly Murdered by Hospice/Palliative Care at St. Joseph's Hospital in Nashua, NH.

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