I am Speaking up!!!!!!

I am Speaking up!!!!!!
Me and My Knight

Monday, September 10, 2018

Septic Shock

Septic Shock

Sepsis is the result of an infection, and causes drastic changes in the body. It can be very dangerous and potentially life-threatening.
It occurs when chemicals that fight infection by triggering inflammatory reactions are released into the bloodstream.
Doctors have identified three stages of sepsis:
  • Sepsis is when the infection reaches the bloodstream and causes inflammation in the body.
  • Severe sepsis is when the infection is severe enough to affect the function of your organs, such as the heartbrain, and kidneys.
  • Septic shock is when you experience a significant drop in blood pressure that can lead to respiratory or heart failurestroke, failure of other organs, and death......................................................................................
  • A bacterial, fungal, or viral infection can cause sepsis. Any of the infections may begin at home or while you are in the hospital for treatment of another condition.
    Sepsis commonly originates from:

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