I am Speaking up!!!!!!

I am Speaking up!!!!!!
Me and My Knight

Friday, July 26, 2024

Today is the 87 Month Anniversary of the Un-Prosecuted Medical Murder of My Husband Bill Knightly by St. Joseph Hospital in Nashua, NH

 Another month gone by since the Medical Murder of My Husband. Still no prosecution's, which is all I want. They can keep their precious money, which is all they care about. My Husband deserves Justice, along with so many others who've been Medically Murdered as well.                                                                                          You're probably wondering why I write about My Husband's Murder every month since his death. I want to make sure he is never forgotten. I also want to make everyone aware of what's going on in Hospital's and Nursing homes. Our Loved Ones are being Murdered instead of treated for their illnesses. And why do you think this is happening? Money, why else. The root of all evil.                          The Medical industry, thanks to Obamacare, seems to think as people get into their sixties and beyond, they need more health care and cost Medicare more money. What about the people who haven't used the Medicare for years and then all of a sudden need to use it? All that money saved by Medicare for all those years isn't taken into consideration is it? Of course it isn't. Maybe Medicare should work a different way. Maybe all the money being saved by the people who don't use up their yearly Medicare allotment  should be set aside for them, so they can use it when they really need it, instead of them being killed off to save Medicare money. My Husband was one of those people. He didn't use the Medicare for years and then when he needed it he was denied the treatment he needed. Denied treatment, because according to the NH Board of Medicine, the medicine he needed was too expensive. Ten thousand dollars to be exact, but Medicaid will pay 40 to 50 grand for a drug addict's treatment. Unbelievable how they begrudge senior citizens needed medication. Senior citizens who get sick, which is not of their own making.          Please people, Wake up! Steer clear of Hospice/Palliative care and do your best to steer clear of Hospitals.They ILLEGALLY put you on it without consent and somehow, thanks to CMS, get away with it along with ILLEGAL DNR's, which culminated in the MURDER of My Beloved Husband.  

I Love you My Knight and I always will! Extremely Pissed Off Wife of Bill Knightly, Murdered by NON-consensual Hospice/Palliative care at St. Joseph Hospital in Nashua, NH  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo    

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