I am Speaking up!!!!!!

I am Speaking up!!!!!!
Me and My Knight

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

August 26, 2024 is the 88 Month Anniversary of the Un-Prosecuted Medical Murder of My Husband Bill Knightly by St. Joseph Hospital in Nashua, NH

                                                                    My Knight  
                          1-16-1951 - 4-26-2017

Another month gone by since my Husband's Medical Murder and still no prosecutions. What will it take to put an end to all of our Loved ones who ask for treatment and are MURDERED instead? Who walk into their favorite Hospitals requesting Medical care and instead wind up getting no treatment and MURDERED?  Hospitalists and Hospital ethics committees, AKA DEATH PANELS, playing God with our Loved ones lives?                                                                     My beloved Husband was just one of many killed off after the enactment of Obamacare. Hospitalists taking over for Primary care Doctors who are no longer allowed in the Hospitals. Hospitalists who know nothing about the many patient's he/she now oversees, never contacting the patients Primary care Doctor. The Hospitalist who has become  the Grim Reaper. The Grim Reaper who denies our Loved ones Medical treatment. Who denies ALL requests made by family members. The Grim Reaper who goes along with NON-CONSENSUAL Hospice/Palliative care (which is NO care at all) and NON-CONSENSUAL, ILLEGAL DNR'S. Still NO Prosecutions!  I thought MURDER was ILLEGAL?                           

Medical care in the United States has really gone down the tubes. Many Bottom of the Barrell so-called Doctors, such as the Grim Reaper who denied my Husband treatment and the transfer to a REAL hospital. Many of the Hospitalists from other countries who couldn't give one sweet shit about any of us Americans. Not all, but many. Like I said, Bottom of the Barrell. Only in it for the money!  Imagine, being paid for KILLING people instead of saving lives!  Hospitalists are NOT needed nor wanted. Primary care Doctors are all we need and want.  These MURDERS need to STOP and the MURDERERS PROSECUTED!  

  I Love you My Knight and I always will! Extremely Pissed Off Wife of Bill Knightly, Murdered by NON-consensual Hospice/Palliative care at St. Joseph Hospital in Nashua, NH  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo