I am Speaking up!!!!!!

I am Speaking up!!!!!!
Me and My Knight

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Today is the 85 Month Anniversary of the UN-Prosecuted Medical Murder of My Husband Bill Knightly by St. Joseph's Hospital in Nashua, NH

Seven year's and one month ago today My Husband
was taken from me by UN-Ethical, so-called Doctor's and an UN-Ethical Nurse Practitioner at St. Joseph Hospital in Nashua. "Doctor's"and a so-called "Nurse" that no longer treat patients to save lives. They instead give NO treatment and let them die instead because money is more important to them than the patient's they are supposed to be treating. This was the case of My Husband and so many others, thanks to Obamacare. Death Panels DO exist and they are known in Hospitals as Hospital Ethics Committees. These are the "people" who choose who lives and who dies. It's all about the money they can save by killing off the patient. Because of Obamacare, the reasoning behind the Murders of  our Loved ones is that as people reach their sixties they require more healthcare and their insurance, (usually Medicare), doesn't want to pay, but if you're on Medicaid, NO Problem, everything is paid for. People who pay into the system all their lives are the ones getting screwed, even if they didn't use their healthcare for most of their lives. If you're on Medicaid and you need expensive medication, no problem, Medicaid will pay for it. As for Medicare, think again. They'll let you die before covering your needed medication.                                                            My Husband was on Medicare and we found out the hard way. They let him die because they didn't want to pay for needed medication, because "it cost too much." The word's of the New Hampshire Board of Medicine, "The medicine he needed would have cost ten thousand dollars and they figured he was probably going to die of Cancer at some point anyway." Too bad Cancer was Never proven. The same medicine today cost's forty to fifty thousand dollars and Medicaid gives it out freely. But don't count on Medicare. You'll die  first. 
Love you My Knight and always will! Extremely Pissed Off Wife of Bill Knightly, Murdered by NON-consensual Hospice/Palliative care at St. Joseph Hospital in Nashua, NH  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo